Real-Time WebSocket Visualizer

A dynamic web application for real-time data visualization using WebSocket, React, Plotly, and Leaflet

Project Overview

This project involves the development of a responsive web application that receives data via WebSocket connections and visualizes it in real-time using interactive graphs and maps. The application demonstrates the ability to handle live data streams and present them in an intuitive, visually appealing manner.

The data from the WebSocket connection is in the following format:


The data fields are separated by commas, and each field represents specific information. I identified each of these data like this:

  • data[0] = Team ID
  • data[1] = Clock
  • data[2] = Yaw
  • data[3] = Pitch
  • data[4] = Roll
  • data[5] = Latitude
  • data[6] = Longitude
  • data[7] = Voltage
  • data[8] = Pressure
  • data[9] = Altitude

Key Features

  • Real-time data reception through WebSocket connections
  • Dynamic graph generation using Plotly.js
  • Interactive map visualization with Leaflet
  • Responsive design for various screen sizes
  • Customizable dashboard layout

Technologies Used

  • Frontend Framework: React
  • Data Visualization: Plotly.js for graphs, Leaflet for maps
  • State Management: React Context API
  • WebSocket Client:
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS

Future Developments

  • Enhanced data processing and analysis features.
  • Improved user interface and customization options.
  • Deployment to a production server for remote monitoring.

Access the Code

The code for this project can be accessed here.